Beginners Art 5: Looking at Winter Contrasts

Art Classes: 10 weeks : x3hrs. Pushing the Advanced Beginners to draw BIG! in this icy winter on A1. Encouraging big arm movements, positive bold mark-making, looking at the negative shapes as positives, more light, contrasts and winter drama. Drawing dead ducks and pheasants, freshly wrung cockerels, rabbits, rams horns and dead dogfish!


AB_pheasants_11 - 109.jpg AB_cockerel_11 - 031.jpg IMG_0362.jpg IMG_9816.jpg AB_horns_11 - 69.jpg IMG_0681.jpg AB_trees_11 - 19.jpg AB_trees_11 - 72.jpg IMG_9882.jpg IMG_0132.jpg IMG_1017.jpg