Art Class: a written review

“Looking at your Scottish Ladies, they are improving in leaps and bounds.
You must feel very happy. They tackled some exciting subjects and large too.
There’s many an
art student that couldn’t rival them. There’s a TV show in there somewhere. Love the giant crab claw, and the single rhubarb stalk and a mussel painting and crab painting…the sailing ships could have developed further with some juicy slabs of colour almost going abstract. This old guy asked me for my thought of the day up in Byron bay, I replied at 6am in the morning I might add: ‘Walk with eyes wide open. ‘You certainly have some broad landscape for the club to sketch.”
Cheers, Dad (Australia)

An informal crit at Cathy’s, of our last 10 weeks of Springmix; the full documentation. I knew one woman had got despondent, feeling she hadn’t ‘improved’ at all. I’d relied on her fearless spirit, but it’s often the stronger creatures who are missed. I know that for myself at college. If you’re a strong character teachers presume you’re ok. It’s hard to ask for help because they think you can do it. I know this woman is a natural, she just needs more time in the tasks, like I would. She really looks and thinks about her colour mixing and she’s intuitive. How to convince someone they’re doing absolutely fine if they don’t accept it? It’s often the silent crisis of confidence which can make us give up.

Thankfully it resolved itself within the group. “That’s brilliant” she said only a minute in, “I love that drawing”, we paused, “but that’s yours!!” She was genuinely shocked. She kept liking most of her own work through the hour, without knowing it was hers! To see her beam with belief once more was moving to see. What another learning curve for me. Thanks Cathy for the uplifting Lemon Drizzle cake.