MUSIC + ART EXCHANGE : SEQUOIADUO commissioned film-maker/dancer Monika Smekot to make a short film documentary about AN ARTIST working with plastic sea trash. For resource material called MAKE A SPLASH! a series of short films providing creative activities to inspire kids and primary schools about WATER. Glasgow based string duo’s WATER MUSIC: source to sea project is funded by Creative Scotland Lottery. Alice Rickards, Violin, + Sonia Cromarty, Cello, asked me to respond to their Water Music recordings. They suggested J.S.Bach INVENTION 4 + J.S.Bach INTERVENTION 13. I animated and edited 2 films to real music; a new experience!
CREATIVE EXCHANGE: Monika squeezed in to my Studio shed, West Coast Scotland to decode how I work; not easy as I create in many materials and mediums. Unlike my plastics, I definitely don’t fit in a box!
‘i love colour’ became the obvious path…
We included Zzebbraa, my children’s character because he’s colourful too. My first book in Dutch: Zzebbraa goes SPLASH! A book about Water.Monika decided to use the ‘puzzle piece that’s me’ from a driftwood collage artwork called ‘Living my dream by the sea’
I photographed my plastic artworks on clean white for my Art Doc book PLASTIC SEA; to take the scruffy stuff out of context and elevate it, to see the ordinary as extraordinary. Funny seeing Monika filming my Plastic Creatures outside in nature… fun to see another point of view.
I obsessively sort and label boxes… but you know that by now!
I would never have known about plastic marine pollution if I hadn’t moved, from a city to a sea, to a beach at the head of a loch.
SPLASH! sarong design of bottle tops collected on this Bottle Top Beach! To get your attention: TO SAY NO TO PLASTIC SEA